POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Disapearing Pigment... Why, Georgia, why? : Re: Disapearing Pigment... Why, Georgia, why? Server Time
2 Nov 2024 13:20:25 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Disapearing Pigment... Why, Georgia, why?  
From: Tom Melly
Date: 12 Feb 2004 05:25:36
Message: <402b54a0@news.povray.org>
"Dawn McKnight" <d-m### [at] spamlesscoxnet> wrote in message
> So, I'm doing a pigment layered by y-distance from the origin.  It looks
> great when I do the othagonal view from the positive Z and X directions,
> but when I render it from the positive Y direction, the object disapears
> from the render!  Why do it do that?
> More importantly, how do I make it not do that?

Well, it's not a bug - orthographic cameras will do that unless set up
correctly. Best post an example scene and then someone who feels comfortable
with orthographic will be able to explain what's happening.

The section of the docs that relates to this are the last two paragraphs of

"You should be aware though that the visible parts of the scene change when
switching from perspective to orthographic view. As long as all objects of
interest are near the look_at point they'll be still visible if the orthographic
camera is used. Objects farther away may get out of view while nearer objects
will stay in view.
If objects are too close to the camera location they may disappear. Too close
here means, behind the orthographic camera projection plane (the plane that goes
through the look_at point)."

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